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8000-12000元 佛山南海区 应届毕业生 本科
8000-12000元 佛山南海区 应届毕业生 本科
职责描述: 1.负责协助佛山分厂和佛山南海分厂厂长完成部门职责范围内的工作。 Responsible for assisting Foshan branch and Foshan Nanhai branch GM to complete the work within the scope of the department's responsibilities. 2.负责安排佛山分厂和佛山南海分厂厂长的日常时间、会议日程、差旅行程。 Responsible for arranging the Foshan branch and Foshan Nanhai branch manager's daily time, meeting schedule, and travel schedule. 3.编写会议纪要;对佛山分厂和佛山南海分厂厂长布置的工作进行跟踪、落实、汇总和反馈。 Prepare meeting minutes; track, implement, summarize and feedback on the work assigned by the Foshan branch and Foshan Nanhai branch GM. 4.负责本部门相关文件(包括往来邮件)的翻译工作,负责与本部门相关业务的口语翻译。 Responsible for the translation of relevant documents (including Email) of the department, and responsible for the oral translation of the relevant business of the department. 5.负责为佛山分厂和佛山南海分厂厂长预订机票、酒店、协助票据报销。 Responsible for booking air tickets and hotels for Foshan branch and Foshan Nanhai branch GM, and assisting in bill reimbursement. 6.负责协助佛山分厂和佛山南海分厂各部门完成与本部门相关的工作:如考勤报表、车辆使用登记。 Responsible for assisting each department of the Foshan branch and Foshan Nanhai branch to complete the work related to this department: such as attendance reports, vehicle registration. 7.负责帮助外籍人员就个人事项与相关人员进行文件及口语沟通。 Responsible for helping foreigners to communicate with relevant personnel in document and oral language on personal matters. 8. 负责选定佛山分公司和佛山南海分公司潜在供应商,审核和上报资质要件,组织供应商评审,最终确定合格供应商; Responsible for Foshan branch and Foshan Nanhai branch selecting potential suppliers, reviewing and submitting qualification elements, organizing supplier evaluation and finalizing qualified suppliers. 9. 定期收集佛山分公司和佛山南海分公司供应商业绩评价信息,负责供应商档案,供应商代码及更新及维护。 Regularly collect Foshan branch and Foshan Nanhai branch supplier performance evaluation information, responsible for supplier file, supplier code and update and maintenance. 10 负责佛山分公司和佛山南海分公司供应商产能调查,监督到货周期,协调问题的解决; Responsible for Foshan branch and Foshan Nanhai branch supplier capacity surveys, monitoring arrival cycles and coordinating problem solving. 11. 负责组织佛山分公司和佛山南海分公司A 物料,固定资产投资项目采购实施,10 万元以下组织供应商比价,或根据《价格审批表》择优采购; Responsible for Foshan branch and Foshan Nanhai branch organizing A materials, fixed asset investment project procurement implementation, under 100,000 yuan to organize supplier price comparison, or according to the "price approval form" merit procurement. 12. 佛山分公司和佛山南海分公司10 万到50 万组织招标采购, 招标资料汇总至长春总部审批。 Organize tender Foshan branch and Foshan Nanhai branch procurement from 100,000 to 500,000, and summarize the tender information to Changchun headquarters for approval. 13. 执行佛山分公司和佛山南海分公司降成本工作,佛山分厂和佛山南海分厂的采购持续改善;配合《成本改善任务单》的采购任务的实施。 The implementation of Foshan branch and Foshan Nanhai branch cost reduction work, Procurement of Foshan Branch and Foshan Nanhai Branch continued to improve; with the implementation of the procurement tasks of the Cost Improvement Task List. 任职要求: 1.学历:本科及以上。 Education:College degree or above. 2.专业:不限。 Major:Unlimited. 3. 工作经验: 2年以上相关工作经验。 Work Experience: More than 2 years related experience. 4. 实际操作(工作)能力 对供应商的发现与引进、管理与评价、采购降成本、汽车供应链等具有丰富的实践经验。 Operation skills:Rich practical experience in supplier discovery and introduction, management and evaluation, procurement cost reduction, automobile supply chain, etc. 5.其他:德语流利 Others: CCP member, fluent in English/German
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