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8000-12000元 佛山南海区 应届毕业生 本科
8000-12000元 佛山南海区 应届毕业生 本科
1. 根据分厂供货范围,维护客户对口联系人信息,保持与客户信息通道畅通 According to the scope of supply, maintain customer contact information, keep the information channel with customer smooth 2. 根据分厂客户抱怨信息,到客户现场分析确认抱怨或缺陷 According to customer complaint information of branch, analyze and confirm customer complaints or defects on site 3.根据客户现场确认的抱怨,制定处理抱怨的临时措施 Define temporary measures to deal with complaints according to customer complaints confirmed on site 4.根据分厂客户抱怨,协调安排客户抱怨隔离行动 Coordinate block actions according to customer complaints 5. 根据分厂分析抱怨产生的原因,跟踪制定的措施及有效性 According to the analysis of the causes of complaints, follow up the measures and their effectiveness 6. 根据客户反馈或抱怨问题,在生产现场的相应位置张贴质量警示 According to customer feedback or complaints, post quality warnings at the corresponding locations on the production site 7.根据分厂客户零公里抱怨信息,分析,处理零公里抱怨 Analyze and deal with zero-kilometer complaint according to customer information of branch 8. 根据分厂质保领导要求,处理临时工作任务 Handle temporary work tasks according to the requirements of QA leader 9.负责业务范围内的预算及费用控制 Responsible for budget and cost control within the scope of work 10.监督外协件的质量绩效和目标及其定期评价工作. Monitor the quality performance and targets of the purchased parts and their periodic evaluation. 11.监督外协件来料检验的实施情况并推进其持续改善工作. Supervise the implementation of incoming inspection and promote its continuous improvement. 12.监督并推动供应商的质量改善工作. Supervise and promote supplier quality improvement. 13.监督并推动供应商质量问题的升级管理工作. Supervise and prompt the escalation management of supplier quality problem. 14.监督并推动供应商索赔的工作. Monitor and prompt supplier claims. 15.跟踪、评价装配外协件试装并反馈试装结果 Track and evaluate the assembly test of parts and feedback the results 16.维护PPQM系统中供应商数据库 Maintain a database of suppliers in the PPQM system 17.接受领导临时安排的其他工作。 Other temporary work arranged by the leader. 任职资格: 1.学历:本科及以上。 Education:College degree or above. 2.专业:机械类。 Major:Mechanical related majors. 3. 经验要求:5年及以上质量相关工作经验; Experience required: At least 5 years quality related working experience 4. 计算机操作要求:能熟练使用EXCEL,POWERPOINT,WORD等办公软件;Computer operation requirements: familiar with EXCEL,POWERPOINT,WORD and other office software
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