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8000-12000元 佛山南海区 应届毕业生 本科
8000-12000元 佛山南海区 应届毕业生 本科
1.负责配合总部进行新产品,新项目的工艺技术方案论证,参与新产品工艺流程图、车间工艺平面布置图设计,参与前期开发阶段的图纸、尺寸、特性清单评审。 Be responsible for supporting the headquarters in the demonstration of new products and new project process technical plans, participating in the design of process flow chart of new products and workshop process layout, and participating in the review of drawings, dimensions and characteristics list in the early stage of development. 2.负责新工艺方法,新技术的应用。 Responsible for the application of new process methods and new technologies 3.负责工艺文件的制定,持续改进老的工艺文件,编制新产品工艺文件,如作业指导书等。 Responsible for the formulation of process documents, continuous improvement of old process documents, preparation of new product process documents, such as operation instructions, etc. 4.负责产品工艺和生产过程工艺不断地优化,负责现场焊接基准参数的编制及生产过程中的变化点管控,负责关键工序产品过程能力、设备能力指数测算 Be responsible for continuous optimization of product process and production process, preparation of site welding benchmark parameters and control of change points in production process, and calculation of product process capacity and equipment capacity index of key processes 5.负责现场工艺,质量问题的解决;负责内、外部审核指标及整改。 Be responsible for the solution of on-site process and quality problems; Responsible for internal and external audit indicators and rectification 6.负责劳动生产率的提升工作。 Be responsible for the improvement of labor productivity 7.负责辅助材料的定额制定和优化工作。 Be responsible for the quota formulation and optimization of auxiliary materials 8.负责员工的工艺技术培训工作。 Be responsible for the process and technical training of employees 9.负责精益生产的现场工作。 Be responsible for the on-site work of lean production 10.负责辅具、夹具的检查、维护保养及定位销的采购、库存管理。 Responsible for the inspection and maintenance of accessories and fixtures, and the purchase and inventory management of locating pins 11.负责PST目视板材料编制 Responsible for the preparation of PST visual board materials 12.配合质保和产品工程师负责偏差许可的制定 Cooperate with QA and product engineer to make deviation permit 13.上级主管安排的其它工作。 Other work arranged by superior 任职资格 1.学历及专业要求 Academic and major requirements: 全日制大学本科以上毕业学历,材料成型及控制工程、机械设计制造及其自动化、金属材料工程专业等相关专业毕业。 Bachelor degree or above in full-time university, major in material forming and control engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing and automation, metal material engineering, etc. 2.经验要求 Experience requirements: 2年以上的汽车制造业焊接实际或管理工作经验。 More than 2 years of welding practice or management experience in automobile manufacturing industry
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